Urine Drug Collector Training
Virtual Class - 7/7/2020 12pm to 6pm EST
How big is your program?
Do you need to train multiple collectors?
Shift Consulting has a myriad of solutions available. All training is taught by certified and experienced collector/trainers
Live, land class training for multiple collectors
Online training with live or video based mock collections
Regulated and Non Regulated Training
Train the trainer courses that will allow you to build capacity for your own in-house collector training.
Unlike other train-the-trainer courses ours does not stop with the ins and outs of eventful and uneventful collections. We also cover the following topics to ensure not only mastery of knowledge but transfer of training to actual practice in your organization.
How to add fidelity to your mock scenarios
Formative vs. Summative Assessments
Countering the Forgetting Curve
Contact us now for your customized quote.